→ Actualities

11th November 2018 Ian Smith (the president of EMC) visited us. Here you will find a record of an interview with him.
audio - MP3, video - MP4, HD video - MP4

→ Actualities


→ Actualities

IMC Policy Brief: 2005 Convention - Highlights of the Committee Meeting
in PDF

→ Actualities

European Forum on Music 2021
2 - 5 June 2021, online
more on EMC web

→ Actualities

Changing Times:
Music (Education) Still Matters,
6th September 2023

→ Actualities

Joint action for Music Education: Partnerships and Collaboration
23rd - 25th October 2023, Glasgow, Ediburgh, Scotland
more information

→ Actualities

Results of the competition MUSICA NOVA 2023
Protocol with results in PDF
Press release in PDF

→ Actualities

CALL - Opprotunities and risks of AI implementation into music practice
Please fill out this questionnaire.

Does the education system correspond to the needs of the labor market?
What do we know? What can be improved and how?

(classical music +)


Describe the situation and its possible development from the perspective of education, potential employers, authorities, professional associations and other professionals providing advicing, training and information service.

Specific possible motivational questions:

With your help we want to contribute to the functional, friendly and inspiring environment of the Czech and European music sector…