→ Actualities
11th November 2018 Ian Smith (the president of EMC) visited us. Here you will find a record of an interview with him.audio - MP3, video - MP4, HD video - MP4
IMC Policy Brief: 2005 Convention - Highlights of the Committee Meeting
in PDF
European Forum on Music 2021
2 - 5 June 2021, online
more on EMC web
The Czech Music Council is a roof non-governmental nonprofit organization, the national center of UNESCO's International Music Council, European Music Council. Associates at fifty Czech organizations and associations from music education, science, production, production, journalism, media collective rights administrators in the professional nonprofessional, classical i & nbsp popular music p>
Our mission is to track the development of the sector, to contribute to its optimization, to connect people and projects not only in the Czech Republic, but also to our own industry network of the International and European Music Council. Inform about possible opportunities, provide the necessary know-how for better use in the education sector, publicly appreciate imaginative creative personalities and projects. P>
Our members are associations of professionals in the field of active non-professional associations. Members elect a presidium from their center, working with their advisory expert bodies, whose members may also be non-members of the organization. Czech Music Council is also publicly represented by important personalities of the music scene. At present, the Education Group and the Support Group for Contemporary Classical Music are working at the presidency of the CHR. P>